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Q-See - Branding, Production + Event Activation

Syndctd was retained by Q-See, a premium surveillance system brand, to strategically rebrand all of their visual creative and marketing messaging. The surveillance camera market is rapidly expanding with increased interest from a younger demographic, which typically gravitates towards sleek design, streamlined software usability, and seamless integration into their busy lives.

Q-See had initially positioned themselves as a premium brand geared towards the traditional surveillance system market demographic - older home and business owners. However, their demo shift to a younger, more tech-savvy audience created the need for fresh, updated messaging and visual aesthetics. Syndctd redesigned all global product packaging, domestic and international retail displays, online advertising, and buyers’ sales presentations. We developed several Q-See experiential activations for retailers like Home Depot and led strategy and production for Q-See’s presentation at CES in Las Vegas this year. 

Below are some of the photos taken by Syndctd's creative team for use within Q-See's marketing mix:


The biggest component of the rebranding project focused on Q-See’s retail packaging. Our main goal was to streamline their message to more efficiently educate their customers on the core benefits of owning a Q-See system.

The new packaging featured a visual representation of all pieces included inside the box, a visual explanation of the mobile surveillance features, a breakdown of the easy 3-step installation process, and a guide to choosing the correct system for the customer’s space.

We revamped the package’s aesthetic to appeal to the more modern customer while staying sophisticated, inviting, and reassuring. We reorganized their product offering based on use-case and designed a new color system to classify the audience groups for each level of system. To visually convey these classifications, Syndctd produced a photo shoot to develop new imagery for the front cover. The packaging clearly delineates between each type of system and the user it’s best suited for.


Syndctd completely rewrote and redesigned the 24-page Welcome Booklet included in every system package. We streamlined the installation guide, refined all instructional steps and developed technically illustrated diagrams. Because Q-See’s products are global, it was vital the diagrams were easily understandable without reading the instructions. The new Welcome Booklet was translated into 7 languages with dividing tabs and printed as one pamphlet.

Our main goal in the rebranding of Q-See was to most effectively educate new consumers on the numerous ways that owning a Q-See system will enhance and clearly benefit their lives. Individual security surveillance should bring its users peace of mind knowing the best quality product is protecting their family, property, and livelihood.



Haufe - Event Activation + Booth Build + Video

Haufe is one of the largest HR/talent management software providers in Europe. Their clients include premiere brands such as the BMW Group, Lindt Chocolates, and Goodyear Tires. Each of these global brands has thousands of employees, all of whom are being managed through Haufe’s software suite.

As Haufe’s expansion plans continue to develop, North America is a new frontier, filled with endless possibility as well as stiff competition.

Enter Syndctd. Syndctd was hired to help advise and execute Haufe’s entrance into the American market through helping to examine what has made Haufe successful in Europe and navigate how best to translate that success into North America. In summation, our service offering was essentially three large client services; consultancy surrounding the translation and building of a new website, creation of the new Haufe US introduction video, and the planning, building, management and execution of the Haufe US experience at the HR Tech Conference in Las Vegas.


Syndctd designed the entire user experience (UX) for the website. Syndctd advised on which information from previous resources, sites and references should be displayed on the site, helped create the site structure, and then provided copywriting services to complete the site copy for the appropriate sections. The largest part of the UX service offering was page layout and wireframing, during which Syndctd helped strategize the most efficient way for potential customers to learn about Haufe’s unique and progressive approach to talent management.


Syndctd produced the commercial video in tandem with long-time video partner, Valentine Productions. Syndctd helped plan the shoot, hire the talent and production staff. develop the script, and act as the on-site producers. Check out the video below – it is also featured as the introduction video on the website.


Syndctd designed the Trade Show experience for Haufe at the 2014 HR Tech Conference in Vegas, coordinating and managing their brand presence from top to bottom. This included sourcing vendors and designing the booth activation area as well as hiring and managing the brand ambassadors. Our efforts resulted in over 300 hot leads from customers looking to know more about Haufe’s Talent Management solution, which was considered a huge success by the President of Haufe US, Mr. Kelly Max, as well as top management at Haufe Europe.  All in all, this was the most successful marketing activity that Haufe US has been a part of to date! See below for more information on our activation.
